Production measure of Gross domestic product
Production measure of gross domestic product, NACE Rev.2 (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Volume indices of gross domestic product, NACE Rev.2 (constant prices; as percentage of the previous year)
Production measure of gross domestic product, NACE Rev.1 (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Volume indices of gross domestic product, NACE Rev.1 (constant prices; as percentage of the previous year)
Selected elements of the national wealth
Selected elements of national wealth (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Fixed assets by economic activity NACE Rev.1 at book value (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Fixed assets by economic activity NACE Rev.2 at book value (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Fixed assets by economic activity NACE Rev.1 at residual value (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Fixed assets by economic activity NACE Rev.2 at residual value (current prices; millions of national currency units)
Industrial production at current and constant prices
Volume of industrial output (current prices), cumulative since the beginning of the year, in national currency
Volume of industrial output by kinds of economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (current prices), year, in national currency
Volume of industrial output by kinds of economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (current prices), cumulative since the beginning of the year, in national currency
Volume indices of industrial output (constant prices)
Volume indices of industrial output by kinds of economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (constant prices), as % of the previous year
Volume indices of industrial output by kinds of economic activity NACE Rev. 2 (constant prices), in % to the same period of the previous year
Production of key industrial products in physical terms
Hard coal and brown coal (lignite), thousand tons
Oil, including gas condensate, thousand tons
Natural gas, million cubic meters
Iron ores, thousand tons
Sausages, tons
Butter and spreads, tons
Vegetable oils and fats, tons
Cheeses, tons
Flour, tons
Groats, tons
Pasta, tons
Sugar, tons
Tea, tons
Grape wines, thousand dal
Fabrics, thousand square meters
Knitted or crocheted outerwear, thousand units
Shoes, thousand pairs
Paper and cardboard, thousand tons
Sulfuric acid, oleum, thousand tons
Mineral or chemical fertilizers, thousand tons
Plastics in primary forms, tons
New rubber tires and tubes, thousand pieces
Cement, thousand tons
Pig iron, thousand tons
Steel, thousand tons
Finished rolled products of ferrous metals, thousand tons
Steel pipes, thousand tons
Agricultural output
Volume of agricultural output (current prices), cumulatively since the beginning of the year, national currency
Structure of agricultural output by kinds of economic activity (current prices), as percentage of total
Volume indices of agricultural output (constant prices), as % of corresponding period of the previous year
Crop production
Availability and distribution of utilized agricultural area (as of the beginning of the year), thousand hectares
Sowing areas of agricultural crops, thousand hectares
Areas of perennial plantations, thousand hectares
Harvested areas of agricultural crops, thousand hectares
Gross harvest of agricultural crops, thousand tons
Yield of agricultural crops, centners per hectare of harvested area
Production of key kinds of crop products per capita, kilograms
Balances of key food products
Balance of grain, thousand tons
Balance of products of grain, thousand tons
Balance of potatoes and potato products (in fresh potatoes equivalent), thousand tons
Balance of vegetables, food melons and products of their processing (in fresh vegetables equivalent), thousand tons
Balance of fruit (including grapes and citrus), berries and products of their processing (in fresh fruit equivalent), thousand tons
Balance of sugar and confectionery (in sugar equivalent), thousand tons
Balance of vegetable oil, thousand tons
Balance of fish and fish products, thousand tons
Balance of meat and meat products (in meat equivalent, including fat and offal), thousand tons
Balance of milk and dairy products (in milk equivalent), thousand tons
Balance of eggs and egg products (in eggs equivalent), million pieces
Consumption of key food products per capita
Peasant (private) farms
Number of registered peasant (private) farms, units
Areas of land plot of registered peasant (private) farms, thousand hectares
Average land plot per 1 peasant (private) farm, hectares
Gross harvest of agricultural crops in peasant (private) farm, tons
Production of animal products in peasant (private) farms
Commissioning of total floor space of dwelling houses - total, square meters
Commissioning of total floor space of dwelling houses at the expense of state enterprises and organizations,square meters
Commissioning of total floor space of dwelling houses at the expense of housing construction cooperatives, square meters
Commissioning of total floor space of dwelling houses at the expense of individuals, square meters
Commissioning of total floor space of dwelling houses per 1000 population, square meters
Number of constructed apartments, units
Number of constructed apartments per 10 thousand population, units
Average size of total floor space of constructed apartments, square meters
Commissioning of general education schools, places
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places
Commissioning of hospitals, beds
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift
Sewage purification installation put into operation
Installations for the collection of oil, fuel oil, garbage and other liquid and solid waste from the waters of rivers, reservoirs, ports and inland seas put into operation
Recycled water equipment put into operation
Equipment for catching and neutralizing of harmful particles from polluted gases put into operation
Enterprises and landfills for disposal, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial, household and other waste put into operation
Investments in fixed capital
Volume of investment in fixed capital (current prices) quarterly сumulative, units of national currency, total
Volume of investment in fixed capital (current prices) per year, units of national currency, total
Volume of investment in fixed capital by sources of finance (current prices), units of national currency
Volume of investment in fixed capital by kinds of economic activity (current prices) NACE, Rev. 1, units of national currency
Volume of investment in fixed capital by kinds of economic activity (current prices) NACE, Rev. 2, units of national currency
Volume of investment in fixed capital per capita (current prices) per year, units of national currency
Volume indices of investment in fixed capital (constant prices), as % to the corresponding period of the previous year
Volume indices of investment in fixed capital (constant prices), as % of the previous year
Volume indices of investment in fixed capital by kinds of economic activity (constant prices) NACE, Rev. 1, as % of the previous year
Volume indices of investment in fixed capital by kinds of economic activity NACE, Rev. 2 (constant prices), as % of the previous year
Retail trade turnover, mln. units of national currency
Volume index of retail trade turnover (as percentage of the previous period, constant price)
The volume of turnover of retail trade of main food goods, mln. units of national currency
Volume index of retail trade turnover of main food goods(as percentage of the previous year, constant price)
The volume of turnover of retail trade of main non-food goods, mln. units of national currency
Volume index of retail trade turnover of main non-food goods(as percentage of the previous year, constant price)
Paid services to the population
Volume of paid services to population, mln. units of national currency
Volume index of paid services to population(as percentage of the previous period, constant price)
Volume of household services to population, mln. units of national currency
Volume index of household services to population(as percentage of the previous period, constant price)
Arrivals to the country for permanent residence, persons
Deperted from the country for permanent residence, persons
International migration of the population aged 15 years and older by level of education of migrants - the number of arrivals in the country
Migration gain (th. persons)
Net migration rate (per 10 thousand population)
Arrival rate (per 10 thousand population)
Depart rate (per 10 thousand population)
Health care
Number of medical doctors - total, persons
Number of medical doctors - total, per 10000 populatioin
Number of nursing staff, persons
Number of nursing staff, per 10000 population
Number of hospitals, units
Number of hospitals, per 10000 population
Number of hospital beds (for children and adults), units
Number of hospital beds (for children and adults) per 10000 population
Average number of days of hospital bed being occupied, days
Average duration of stay in hospital, days
Number of policlinics (for adults and children), units
Number of policlinics (for aduls and children), per 10000 population
Policlincs for children, units
Policlincs for children, per 10000 population of 0-14 years of age
Capacity of policlinics (number of visits per shift), units
Capacity of policlinics (number of visits per shift), per 10000 population
Number of ambulance stations, units
Number of persons provided with emergency medical care, persons
Number of persons provided with emergency medical care, per 10000 population
Number of orphanages, units
Number of places in orphanages, units
Number of children in orphanages, persons
Number of registered persons with morbidity disagnosis set for the first time - total, persons
It is registered patients with a diagnosis - total, per 100,000 people
Number of registered persons with morbidity disagnosis set for the first time - per 10000 population
Number of women's counselling, units
Number of women's counselling, per 1000 women at 15-49 years of age
Number of births, persons
Number of births per 1000 women at age 15_49 years
Number of abortions among women pregnant for thr first time, persons
Number of abortions among women pregnant for thr first time, per 1000 women at age 15-49 years
Number of abortions among women, persons
Number of abortions, per 1000 women at age 15-49 years
Number of women using IUDs, persons
Number of women usinf IUDs, per 100000 women at age 15-49 years
Number of women using hormonal contraception, persons
Number of women using hormonal contraception, per 100000 women at age 15-49 years
Number of surgical sterilization among women, persons
Contraceptive prevalence, persons
Number of boarding homes for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, units
Number of clients in boarding homes for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, persons
Number of places in boarding homes for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, units
Number of newly registered persons with disability at age 18 years and older - total, persons
Number of newly registered persons with disability at age 18 years and older - total, per 10000 population
Disability due to occupational injuries and professional disease, per 10000 population
Disabled since childhood, per 10000 population
Number of newly registered persons with disability at age under 18 years - total, per 10000 population
Number of bureaus of medical-social expertise, units
Number of persons checked up for the first time and went through re-examination, thousand persons
Number of medical doctors - specialists, working at the bureaus of medical-social expertise, persons
Economically active population/Labour force (labour force survey), person
Economically active population/Labour force according to the age (labour force survey), person
Economic activity rate/labour force participation
Economic activity rate/labour force participation according to the age
Employed population (labour force survey), person
Employed population by status at main job (labour force survey), person
Employment rate
Number of employees in the informal sector, person
Employed population by type of economic activity, thousand person
Number of unemployed (ILO), thous. person
Unemployed with a job search duration, thous. person
Unemployed job seekers, thous.person
Unemployment rate (ILO)
Youth not in Education and not in Employment (NEET),thousand person
Wages and labour costs
Average monthly nominal wages per employee, units of national currency
Average hourly wages per employee, units of national currency
Average wage for the capital, units of national currency
Man-hours worked, thsd.
Gender pay gap , %
The ratio of the average monthly salary to the minimum subsistence level for the working-age population (on average per month of the year, %)
Average number of employees per year, thous. person
Occupational injuries
Number of those injured at job places with disabilities and fatal cases, persons
Number of those injured at job places with disabilities and fatal cases, per 10000 employed
Number of those injured at job places with fatal cases, persons
Number of those injured at job places with fatal cases, per 10000 employed
Household income, expenditure and consumption
Money income of households, according to the data of household surveys, units of national currency
Sources of money income of households, according to the data of household surveys, in % of money income
Consumer expenditure of households, according to the data of household surveys, units of national currency
Structure of household expenditure by main groups of consumer expenditure, according to the data of household surveys, as % of total expenditure on purchaseof goods and services
Structure of consumer expenditure of households in the groups for the purposes of consumption, according to the data of household surveys, as % of total expenditure
Purchasing power of disposable money income of population (households), kg
Poverty and inequality
Subsistence minimum, units of national currency, per capita mountly average
Share of population with average per capita money income (expenditure) less than subsistence minimum (poverty level), in %
Distribution of common fund of income of households by 20% groups of population, in %
Gini coefficient
Coefficient of funds by decile (10%) groups of population, in times
Coefficient of funds by quintile (20%) groups of population, in times
Pension support
Number of pensioners at the end of the year - total
Number of pensioners by old-age at the end of the year
Number of pensioners by length of service at the end of the year
Number of pensioners due to disability at the end of the year
Number of pensioners due to loss of bread-winner at the end of the year
Number of pensioners receiving social pensions (benefits) at the end of the year
Average pension for December - total
Old-age pension for December
Pension by length of service for December
Disability pension for December
Pension due to loss of the bread-winners for December
Social pension (benefit) for December
Minimum (basic) pension by old-age
Age limit required to obtain a labour pension by old-age
Ratio of minimum old-age pension to subsistence minimum for pensioner (December, %)
Ratio of average old-age pension to subsistence minimum for pensioner (December, %)
Average pension for December, US dollars
Number of registered crimes at the end of the year-total
Number of persons who committed crimes at the end of the year-total
Number of persons who have committed crimes, women-total
Number of persons who committed crimes at the age of 14-17 years (inclusive) - total
Number of persons who have committed crimes without a permanent source of income-total
Number of persons who have committed crimes, previously committed crimes-total
Number of perpetrators of crimes who committed the crime as part of a group of persons-total
Number of persons who have committed crimes, who have committed a crime in a condition of alcoholic intoxication-total
Number of convicts at the end of the year-total
Number of women convicted-total
Number of convicts who committed crimes at the age of 14-17 years (inclusive) - total
Number of convicted, previously convicted-total
Number of pre-school institutions, units
Number of seats in pre-school children institutions,units
Number of children in pre-school institutions,persons
Number of girls in pre-school institutions,persons
Provision of children with pre-school institution,%
Number of teachers in pre-school institutions,persons
Number of children in pre-school institutions aged 3 years and older, people
Number of day-time general educational institutions,units
Number of evening educational institutions,units
Number of pupils in day-time educational institutions,persons
Number of pupils in evening educational institutions,persons
Graduates from day-time general education institutions,persons
Graduates from evening general education institutions,persons
Number of teachers in day-time general education institutions ,staff,persons
Number of primary professional educational institutions ,units
Entrants of students primary vocational education,persons
Number of students in primary professional education,persons
Graduates from primary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of secondary professional educational institutions,units
Entrants of students to secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in secondary professional educational institutions per 10000 population,persons
Graduation from secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of teachers in secondary professional educational institutions,staff, persons
Number of higher professional educational institutions,units
Entrants of students to higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in higher professional educational institutions per 10000 population,persons
Graduation from higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of teachers in professional higher educational institutions,staff,persons
Number of public libraries,units
Libraries stock, thousand copies
Libraries stock per 1000 population, copies
Number of readers, thousand
Number of readers per 1000 population, persons
Number of professional theatres, units
Theatre attendances, thousand
Theatre attendances per 1000 population, units
Number of museums,units
Museum attendances, thousand
Museum attendances per 1000 population, units
Atmospheric air
Emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary sources, thousand tons
Emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) into the air from stationary sources,thousand tons
Emissions of carbon oxide (CO) into the air from stationary sources,thousand tons
Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the air from stationary sources,thousand tons
Emissions of carbon oxide (CO) into the atmospheric air from stationary sources per 1 square km, kg
Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the atmospheric air from stationary sources per 1 square km, kg
Emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) into the atmospheric air from stationary sources per 1 square km, kg
Organized Tourism
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tourist Activities
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tour Operator Activities
Number of Organizations Engaged in Travel Agency Activities
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tour Operator and Travel Agency Activities
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tourist Activities (ownership - private)
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tourist Activities (ownership - foreign)
Number of Organizations Engaged in Tourist Activities (ownership - state)
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