Statistics by Topics
Key indicators
Number of pre-school institutions, units
Number of seats in pre-school children institutions,units
Number of children in pre-school institutions,persons
Number of girls in pre-school institutions,persons
Provision of children with pre-school institution,%
Number of teachers in pre-school institutions,persons
Number of children in pre-school institutions aged 3 years and older, people
Number of day-time general educational institutions,units
Number of institutions for children with disabilities,units
Number of evening educational institutions,units
Number of pupils in day-time educational institutions,persons
Number of pupil -girls in day-time educational institutions,persons
Number of pupils with disabilities,persons
Number of pupils in evening educational institutions,persons
Graduates from day-time general education institutions,persons
Graduates from evening general education institutions,persons
Number of teachers in day-time general education institutions ,staff,persons
Number of teacher- women in day-time general education institutions, staff,persons
Number of teachers in day-time general education institutions withs higher education,staff,persons
Number of personal computers used for educational purposes in day-care educational institutions, units
Number of pupils in 1 grades of day-time educational institutions, persons
Number of pupils in 1-4 grades of day-time educational institutions, persons
Number of pupils in 5-9 grades of day-time educational institutions, persons
Number of pupils of graduation 10-11(12) classes of day-time educational institutions, persons
Pupils in full-time educational institutions in the languages of instruction, persons
Shift schedule of classes in full-time educational institutions, %
Number of primary professional educational institutions ,units
Entrants of students primary vocational education,persons
Number of students in primary professional education,persons
Number of womens students in primary professional education,persons
Graduates from primary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of secondary professional educational institutions,units
Entrants of students to secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of student - women in secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in secondary professional educational institutions per 10000 population,persons
Graduation from secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of teachers in secondary professional educational institutions,staff, persons
Number of teacher womens in secondary professional educational institutions,persons
Number of personal computers used for educational purposes in educational institutions of secondary professional education, units
Number of higher professional educational institutions,units
Entrants of students to higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of womens students in higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of students in higher professional educational institutions per 10000 population,persons
Graduation from higher professional educational institutions,persons
Number of teachers in professional higher educational institutions,staff,persons
Number of teacher womens in professional higher educational institutions,staff,persons
Number of personal computers used for educational purposes in educational institutions of higher professional education, units
Domestic R&D expenditure,units of the national currency
Domestic R&D current expenditure,units of the national currency
Capital expenditure R&D,units of the national currency
Domestic R&D expenditure carried out at the expence of extrabudgetary funds ,units of the national currency
Numberof R&D organisations,units
Number of public libraries,units
Libraries stock, thousand copies
Libraries stock per 1000 population, copies
Number of readers, thousand
Number of readers per 1000 population, persons
Number of professional theatres, units
Theatre attendances, thousand
Theatre attendances per 1000 population, units
Number of museums,units
Museum attendances, thousand
Museum attendances per 1000 population, units
Statistical information on CIS countries by indicators