Structure of the Statcommittee of the CIS

Council of the Heads of States

This is a supreme body of the CIS which discusses and solves any principle questions of the Commonwealth connected with the common interests of the states - participants.

Council of the Heads of Governments

  This Council coordinates cooperation of the executive authorities of the states - participants in economic, social and other spheres of their common interests.

    Decisions of the Council of the Heads of States and the Council of the Heads of Governments are adopted by consensus. Any state may declare about its lack of interest in one or another question, the fact being not considered as an obstacle for adopting a decision.

Inter-Parliamentary Assembly

    The Assembly was established in March 1995 by the leaders of Supreme Soviets (parliaments) of the Commonwealth countries as a consultative institution to discuss problems of parliamentary cooperation and develop proposals by the parliaments of the CIS states. 
    The Assembly consists of parliamentary delegations of the states -  participants of the CIS. 
    The activities of the Assembly are carried out by the Assembly Council which comprises the leaders of the parliamentary delegations. 
    The Assembly Secretariat, headed by Secretary-General, was created to ensure the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, its Council and commissions.

Economic Court

    Economic Court functions with the aim of ensuring the meeting of economic commitments in the framework of the CIS. 
    Its terms of reference include settlement of interstate economic controversy arising in meeting economic commitments envisaged by Agreements and decisions of the Council of the Heads of States and the Council of the Heads of Governments of the CIS.

Council of Foreign Ministers

    The main executive body ensuring cooperation in the field of foreign policy activities of the states - participants of the CIS on the matters of mutual interest, adopting decisions during the period between the meetings of the Council of the Heads of States, the Council of the Heads of Governments and by their orders.

Council of Defense Ministers

    This is a body of the Council of the Heads of States responsible for military policy of the states - participants of the CIS. Its working office is a Staff which coordinates military cooperation of the CIS member states, prepares and holds meetings of the Council of Defence Ministers, organizes the activities of groups of military observers and collective forces for peace keeping in the CIS.

Economic Council

     The main executive body which ensures implementation of the decisions of the Council of the Heads of States and the Council of the Heads of Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States on realization of the Agreement for creation of free trade zone, Protocol to it, as well as for other matters of socio-economic cooperation. The Council adopts the decisions on the matters related to its competence and by the orders of the Council of the Heads of States and the Council of the Heads of Governments of the CIS.  
      Economic Council consists of the Deputy Heads of Governments of states-participants of the CIS.

Executive Committee

      It is the unite  permanently functioning executive, administrative and coordinating body of the CIS,  which organizes the activities of the Council of the Heads of States, Council  of the Heads of Governments, Council of Foreign Ministers of states - participants of the CIS, Economic Council and other bodies of the Commonwealth, prepares proposals on extending economic cooperation in the framework of the CIS, creating and functioning free trade zone, ensuring favourable conditions for transition to higher stage of economic cooperation, developing common economic space in future, jointly with the states - participants and the bodies of the Commonwealth develops proposals and draft documents aimed at the development of states - participants of the CIS in political, economic, social and other spheres.

Council of Commanders-in-Chief of Frontier Troops

     This is a body of the Council of the Heads of States responsible for guarding outer frontiers of the states - participants and securing stable situation there. Its working office is a Coordinating Service of the Council which organizes preparation and holding of the meetings of this Council, implementation of the decisions adopted by it.

Council of Collective Security

Anti-terrorism Center

Interstate Bank

     The most important function of the Interstate Bank is organization and implementation of multilateral interstate settlements between central (national) banks in relation to trade and other transactions, as well as coordination of monetary policy of the states - participants.