17 .12 .2014
Section Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Countries of the CIS is updated for October 2014.
08 .12 .2014
Statistical bulletin "Statistics of the CIS" №11(542), 2014 is published.
03 .12 .2014
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-October" is published (in Russian).
01 .12 .2014
Press releases Main Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-October 2014.
01 .12 .2014
National Accounts of the Commonwealth of Independent States 2009-2013, Statistical Abstract, (Russian-English Version), 2014 is published.
17 .11 .2014
Foreign Trade of Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States 2013, Russian-English version, 2014 is published.
10 .11 .2014
Section "Time series of main economic indicators by the CIS countries" (Production of electricity, of petroleum, of natural gas, of coal for January-September 2014) is updated.
07 .11 .2014
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-September" is published (in Russian).
06 .11 .2014
Section "Time series of main economic indicators by the CIS countries" (Exchange rate for September 2014) is updated.
06 .11 .2014
Section Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Countries of the CIS is updated for September 2014.
05 .11 .2014
Press releases Main Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-September 2014.
31 .10 .2014
Section Social Indicators of the Countries of the CIS (Unemployment) is updated.
31 .10 .2014
Section "Time series of main economic indicators by the CIS countries" (Investment in fixed capital for January-September 2014) is updated.
28 .10 .2014
Section Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Countries of the CIS (Industrial output for January-May 2014), Section Social Indicators of the Countries of the CIS (Nominal wage for August 2014) were updated.
24 .10 .2014
Statistical bulletin "Statistics of the CIS" №10(541), 2014 is published.
22 .10 .2014
Foreign Trade of Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States 2013, Russian-English version, 2014 is published.
17 .10 .2014
Section Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Countries of the CIS is updated for August 2014.
17 .10 .2014
Finances, investment and prices of the Commonwealth of Independent States 2009-2013, Statistical abstract, (Russian-English Version), 2014 is published.
13 .10 .2014
Statistical bulletin "Statistics of the CIS" №10(541), 2014 is published.
06 .10 .2014
Press releases Main Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-August 2014.