05 .07 .2017
2014 International Comparison of CIS Countries GDP Based on Purchasing Power Parities, Statistical Abstract, (Russian-English Version), 2017 is published.
03 .07 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-May 2017" is published (in Russian).
05 .06 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in IJanuary-April 2017" is published (in Russian).
01 .06 .2017
Press releases Key Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-April 2017.
31 .05 .2017
Macroeconomics and Finances of the CIS and Other Countries of the World 2012-2016, concise statistical abstract, is published.
23 .05 .2017
Prices in the CIS and Other Countries of the World 2012-2016, concise statistical abstract, 2017 is published.
03 .05 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in I Quarter 2017" is published (in Russian).
03 .05 .2017
Press releases Key Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in I Quarter 2017.
04 .04 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-February 2017" is published (in Russian).
03 .04 .2017
Press releases Key Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-February 2017.
10 .03 .2017
Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016, Digest of preliminary statistical results, Russian and English.
07 .03 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January 2017" is published (in Russian).
06 .03 .2017
Press releases Key Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January 2017.
06 .02 .2017
Press releases Key Socio-Economic Indicators of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016 in Comparison with 2015.
27 .01 .2017
Cooperation between the United Nations and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
09 .01 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in January-November 2016" is published (in Russian).
03 .01 .2017
Report "Socio-Economic Situation of the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016" is published (in Russian).
26 .12 .2016
Statistical bulletin "Statistics of the CIS" №4(550) is published.
19 .12 .2016
Agriculture in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States 2010-2015, Statistical abstract, (Russian-English Version), 2016 is published.
07 .12 .2016
06-07.12.2016 Statcommittee of the CIS is organizing Workshop for specialists from national statistical offices of the CIS member states with participation of UNFPA and UNECE representatives.